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Signed in as:
Date: October 25th, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (doors open at 5:30pm)
Where: Olde Creek Elementary School
We are excited to see you on Friday, October 25th from 6:00-8:00 PM for Olde Creek’s annual Halloween Howl!
Call for Volunteers!
The Halloween Howl would not be possible without the support of volunteers like you! This is one of Olde Creek’s most beloved events so any volunteer role you choose is guaranteed to be fun!
We need volunteers to run the Cake Game Activity and decorate cars for Trunk-or-Treat in addition to distributing tickets and food. We also need lots of donations of cakes and candy!
Please sign up to help! Most slots require only 30 to 45 minutes of your time. The Howl needs a lot of volunteers to be successful. Responsible middle school and high school students are welcome to volunteer. They make great Cake Game managers!
We look forward to seeing you on October 25th!
Here’s your guide to a fun event!
1. Buy your tickets now instead of at the door. Help reduce the wait in line at the event. Bring a copy of our confirmation email with you in order to collect your tickets. Ticket packages and individual tickets will be available for purchase at the door.
2. Don’t skip dinner! Purchase a pizza for your whole family to enjoy at the Howl.
a. NEW this year! You can order pizza by the slice.
b. All pizza orders must be submitted by Wednesday, October 23!
3. Sign up to donate a cake for the Halloween Howl Cake Game! The Cake Game is the most popular activity of the night. The more cakes we have, the more cakes we can give away to the lucky winners!
4. Dress up and enter the costume contest! Prizes will be awarded to the silliest, scariest, and most creative costumes. Parents can dress up too!
5. Dance the night away with our fantastic DJ and the OCES Bear!
Back again this year!
Participate in our “reverse trick-or-treat” for our Bears Cares families. You are invited to
bring in any canned goods or pantry items to help stock the shelves for the Thanksgiving holiday. Drop off items in the cafeteria.